The FJMC Ma’asim Tovim Award is the highest recognition a Region can give to one of its members. It is usually awarded to an individual who has worked on behalf of the region for many years and who has made significant positive contributions toward helping his Club and Region fulfill the organization’s mission of involving Jewish men in Jewish life. The Ma’asim Tovim Award is presented formally at the FJMC’s biennial International Convention.
Honorees are those who:
- Who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service at the club, Region, and/or International level.
- Who have an outstanding record of service, but not necessarily in a leadership role.
- Whose vision and action has fostered the growth of their club, Region, and/or the FJMC.
- Whose organizational skills have enriched and enhanced the Region.
- Whose dedication to the principles of FJMC has been a source of strength to the Region.
- Who has created a new, unique program or idea that becomes officially accepted as an FJMC program.
- Who has continued to serve by sharing his insight with others and by mentoring future leaders.
- Who has continued to serve beyond his tenure and, by example, has inspired future leaders. A man who is a “doer of good deeds”… a man who performs “ma’asim tovim”!
Download the tribute book from the Tri-State Honoree Brunch which was held June 25, 2023.
Tri-State Region Ma’asim Tovim Honorees:
- 2023: Alex Kiderman, Beth Shalom
- 2021: Mike Rosenberg, Beth El of South Hills
- 2019: Irwin Harris, Tree of LIfe*Or L’Simcha
- 2017: Sanford “Sandy” Zaremberg, Beth Shalom
- 2015: Warren Sufrin, Beth El of South Hillls
- 2013: David Edwards, Tree of Life
- 2011: Brian Cynamon
- 2009: Dr. Ira Ungar, Beth El
- 2007: Stephen A. Neustein, Beth Shalom
- 2005: Milton Eisner, Beth Shalom
- 2003: Ed Hackman, New Light(no longer affiliated with FJMC)
- 2001: Arnold H. Lazarus, Beth Shalom
- 1999: Sanford “Cookie” Danovitz, Tree of Life
- 1997: E. Jerry Fenster, Beth Sahlom
- 1995: Abe Ainsman, B’nai Israel
- 1993: Abe Silver, B’rith Shalom